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Speakers Urges for Innovation in Policy & Regulations



Reading Time: 3 minutes

Roundtable Discussion on Boosting eCommerce & Startups in Bangladesh

Bangladesh, like other countries throughout the world, has seen an increase in electronic commerce. Consumers can now choose from a variety of digital products and services created by a number of young entrepreneurs. The industry, however, has not yet achieved its full potential. Its expansion is hampered by a number of obstacles.  Preneur Lab Youth and Innovation Trust which works to empower entrepreneurs have come forward to ameliorate the scenario by initiating  “Business Boost Bangladesh” with an aim to ease the path of entrepreneurship and the process of business formation and operation. To reform the policy, It conducted surveys and interviewed hundreds of youth entrepreneurs, done FGDs with lawyers, policymakers, and business registrars in the process

A 2-hour virtual roundtable on digital business and eCommerce was organized on January 22, 2022, as part of this initiative where they published a report that outlined all of the findings which will be publicly available.

Experts gave their perspectives on the business difficulties and how to improve the business environment more conducive to entrepreneurs. The initiative’s ultimate goal is policy reform to aid in the growth of the startup ecosystem. The roundtable brought together business leaders, startup entrepreneurs, and policymakers to discussion on Boosting eCommerce & Startups in Bangladesh


A number of other notable experts and policymakers shared their views like  Dr. Atiur Rahman, former Governor of the Bangladesh Bank; Tajdin Hassan, CMO, Daraz- Alibaba Group; Rezwanul Haque, Head of eCommerce, a2i Program, ICT Division of Bangladesh; Sahariar Hasan Jii Sun, National Consultant, a2i, ICT Division of Bangladesh; Sabera Anwar, Founder of GoDeshi – Made in Bangladesh, etc. They all presented their points of view and ideas based on their expertise and knowledge in this subject.

The roundtable discussion was moderated by Rakhshanda Rukham who is the  Co-Founder of the Preneur Lab Youth and Innovations Trust. Mr. Arif Nezami, Co-Founder of the Preneur Lab Youth and Innovations Trust, was in attendance.

Dr. Atiur Rahman said, “The report did an excellent job of analyzing and identifying the problem that today’s businesses face”. He also suggested, “The regulations and process should be simplified but at the same time, it needs proper surveillance and monitoring. The main problem with a trade license is that it requires renewal every year. Trade licenses should be renewed every 5 years for small businesses. Sometimes the overall registration process costs can be very expensive for a young entrepreneur.”

The new form of business, e-commerce is growing fashionable in the country, as it is in the rest of the globe. Many people, particularly women from various fields, are expressing a strong interest in starting and running their own home-based enterprises.

Tajdin Hassan said, “When a company is in growth momentum, it is sometimes required to modify strategy to bring innovation because innovation brings transparency and trust is very important for ecommerce”.  He also said, “It is a very good sign that people have the habit of adopting electronic commerce as a regular part of life. Ecommerce should be backed up financially and we need to invest more on innovation, infrastructure and logistics”


Businesses can only succeed when there is a collaborative approach and entrepreneurs are aware of procedures properly.

Rezwanul Haque said, ” There are 13 types of trade license systems available in Bangladesh. We are trying to combine all of them so that entrepreneurs can create a trade license from anywhere using UBI.”

This is the ideal time to define ecommerces and startups in terms of law and policy in order to facilitate scalability, growth, and innovation.

Sahariar Hasan Jii Sun said, “Many Govt and semi Govt organizations are giving training to the entrepreneurs so that they can maintain a standard procedure.”

Sabera Anwar talked about the problem of SMEs in reaching the right people and said , “The programs of BSCIC or SME are very much limited and the people who are actually working in these sectors are not even getting 5% of support from them. So this should be looked after”


Finally, Rakhshanda concluded the program and shared that the eCommerce and startup sectors are currently gaining popularity among the general public. However, this industry is also up against challenges in terms of establishing itself. If the challenges can be solved and reforms implemented, this sector may provide society with a bright and promising future. More of these kinds of actions should be launched to resolve the issues. The report can be downloaded from

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Progressive Life Insurance successfully settles claims totaling nearly Tk 40 crore in 2024



Reading Time: 2 minutes

Progressive Life Insurance Company Limited (PLICL) settled down insurance claims of approximately 40 (forty) crore taka in 2024 which has fortified clients’ confidence on the company. Progressive Life Insurance Company Limited entered 25th year on 6 January 2025. PLICL was founded on 6 January in the year 2000. Discussion programs, slicing a cake, offering dua and a colourful rally were organized to mark the company’s founding anniversary on Monday at PLICL corporate office in the capital. 

The rally moved around different parts of Dhaka city and the officials of the company held a gathering in front of PLICL head office on Monday morning at 10:30 am. 

PLICL Chairman (Acting) M Shoeb Chowdhury joined the 25th founding anniversary celebration virtually as the chief guest. M Shoeb Chowdhury said that the top management of Progressive Life Insurance Company Limited has been able to uphold the dream cherished by expatriate Bangladeshis whose contribution led to the establishment of the company. Shoeb Chowdhury laid emphasis on working with unity and solidarity for the company’s further advancement and to generate many more success stories.

PLICL Executive Committee Chairman Mezanur Rahman , Chairman of Audit Committee Dr. Md. Jamil Sharif, PhD, FCMA and former entrepreneur Prodeep Sen also attended the program. The event was presided over by the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Md. Saidul Amin. The 25th founding anniversary of Progressive Life Insurance Company Limited was celebrated in 32 districts and divisional offices across Bangladesh. Senior officials of the insurance company expressed hope and determination to transform PLICL into a top notch institution in days to come. The speakers at the program stated that Progressive Life Insurance Company Limited appointed 1200 development officers in 2024 and training courses have been initiated to upgrade their skills.


PLICL Deputy Managing Director (DMD) Mohammad Hossain Shaheed Suhrawardy, Senior DMD Shahjahan Azadi, Company Secretary Abdullah Al Mansur and Senior DMD Jaseem Uddin Prodhan addressed the program among other dignitaries.

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Banks see rising deposits for higher interest rates



Reading Time: 2 minutes

Bank deposits grew in the third quarter of 2024 as many people were encouraged by rising interest rates to park their money at commercial lenders.

In the July-September period of the previous calendar year, bank deposits rose 7 percent year-on-year to Tk 18.25 lakh crore, with bank branches in rural areas registering higher deposit growth compared to their urban counterparts.

The significant hike in interest rates was a key driver behind the growth in bank deposits, said Syed Mahbubur Rahman, managing director and chief executive of Mutual Trust Bank PLC.

Besides, banks have carried out a lot of campaigns to attract depositors, he added while informing that they expect the uptrend of deposits to continue.


The weighted average interest rates on deposits rose to 5.88 percent in the July-September quarter last year from 4.55 percent during the same period of the previous year, according to data of the Bangladesh Bank.

But when comparing the April-June quarter, bank deposits declined by 0.73 percent year-on-year due to widespread unrest centring a mass movement that ousted the Awami League government on August 5.

Overall bank deposits stood at Tk 18.38 lakh crore by the end of last June.

Private commercial banks, including Islamic banks, constitute 68 percent of the total deposits at present.

However, the central bank data shows their deposits shrank 0.33 percent to Tk 12.58 lakh crore by the end of last September from Tk 12.62 lakh crore three months prior.


The crisis ridden Islamic banks recorded the steepest decline in deposits during the July-September period. Meanwhile, state banks closely followed even though both public and private banks saw deposit growth for about one year since the end of September 2023

On the other hand, loans and advances maintained an uptick for four quarters ending with the July-September period of 2024.

Loans and advances increased by 10 percent year-on-year to Tk 16.19 lakh crore by the end of September last year.

Between June and September of 2024, loans and advances to bank borrowers grew by 1.43 percent mainly in urban areas.

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২০২৪ সালে চল্লিশ কোটি টাকার বীমাদাবি প্রদান করলো প্রগ্রেসিভ লাইফ ইনসিওরেন্স



Reading Time: < 1 minute

সফলতার ২৫ বছরে পা রাখলো প্রগ্রেসিভ লাইফ ইনসিওরেন্স কোম্পানী লিঃ।গতকাল ৬ জানুয়ারি ২০২৫ সালে ২৫তম প্রতিষ্ঠা বার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে আয়োজিত অনুষ্ঠানে এই তথ্য জানান কোম্পানিটির মুখ্য নির্বাহী কর্মকর্তা মোহাম্মদ সাইদুল আমিন। ৬ জানুয়ারী ২০০০ সালে এই কোম্পানিটির যাত্রা শুরু হয়। ঢাকায় প্রতিষ্ঠানের প্রধান কার্যালয়ে বর্ণাঢ্য শোভাযাত্রা,আলোচনা,কেক কাটা,দোয়া অনুষ্ঠান সহ বিভিন্ন আয়োজন করা হয়েছে।

২৫তম প্রতিষ্ঠা বার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে ঢাকার স্কাউট ভবন কার্যালয় থেকে সকাল ১০.৩০ টায় একটি শোভাযাত্রার আয়োজন করা হয়। পল্টন এর বিভিন্ন স্থান প্রদক্ষিণ শেষে প্রধান কার্যালয়ে সমবেত হন প্রগ্রেসিভ লাইফ ইনসিওরেন্স এর কর্মকর্তা কর্মচারীরা। প্রগ্রেসিভ লাইফ ইনসিওরেন্স কোম্পানী লিঃ এর মুখ্য নির্বাহী কর্মকর্তা মোহাম্মদ সাইদুল আমিন সেখানে সংক্ষিপ্ত বক্তব্য প্রদান করেন।

দুপুরে আলোচনা সভায় প্রধান অথিতি হিসেবে ভার্চুয়ালি যোগ দেন ভারপ্রাপ্ত চেয়ারম্যান এম শোয়েব চৌধুরী।তিনি বলেন, ২৫ বছর আগে যে লালিত স্বপ্ন নিয়ে প্রবাসী বাংলাদেশীরা এই প্রতিষ্ঠান তৈরি করেছে আমরা তা সমুন্নত রেখে এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাবো।তিনি সবাইকে একতাবদ্ধ হয়ে কাজ করার উপর গুরুত্ত আরোপ করেন।বিশেষ অতিথি হিসেবে উপস্থিত ছিলেন নির্বাহী কমিটির চেয়ারম্যান মোহাম্মদ মিজানুর রহমান, অডিট কমিটির চেয়ারম্যান ড. জামিল শরিফ ও সাবেক উদ্যোক্তা পরিচালক প্রদিপ সেন।

সভাপতির বক্তব্য মুখ্য নির্বাহী কর্মকর্তা মোহাম্মদ সাইদুল আমিন বলেন,দেশব্যাপী প্রগ্রেসিভ লাইফ এর ৩২ টি জেলা/বিভাগীয় অফিসে একযোগে আমাদের ২৫তম প্রতিষ্ঠা বার্ষিকী পালিত হচ্ছে যা আমাদের জন্য গর্বের বিষয়। ২০২৫ সাল প্রগ্রেসিভ লাইফ ইনসিওরেন্স ২৫তম  বছরে আমাদের ঘুরে দাঁড়ানোর বছর। দেশের শীর্ষ বীমা কোম্পানিতে পরিণত করারা আশাবাদ ব্যক্ত করেন।তিনি জানান,২০২৪ সালে আমরা প্রায় ৪০ কোটি টাকা বীমা দাবি পুরন করে গ্রাহকদের আস্থা অর্জন করতে সক্ষম হয়েছি। সারা দেশে ১২০০ উন্নয়ন কর্মিকে নিয়োগ দিয়েছি এবং প্রশিক্ষণ কার্যক্রম চালু করেছি।বীমা খাতে দক্ষ কর্মী তৈরিতে প্রগ্রেসিভ লাইফ অগ্রণী ভূমিকা পালন করে চলেছে।


প্রগ্রেসিভ লাইফ ইনসিওরেন্স কোম্পানী লিঃ এর উপ-ব্যবস্থাপনা পরিচালক মোহাম্মদ হোসেন শহীদ সোহরাওয়ারদী , সিনিয়ৱ ডিএমডি শাহজাহান আজাদী,কোম্পানি সচিব আব্দুল্লাহ আল মনসুর,সিনিয়ৱ ডিএমডি জসীম উদ্দিন প্রধান সহ প্রমুখ বক্তব্য রাখেন। 

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