Reading Time: 2 minutesGrants of up to $250,000 USD for eligible organizations in Bangladesh will support Internet knowledge and skills, increasing economic inclusion and educational opportunities...
Reading Time: 5 minutesBy Zunaid Ahmed Palak In the last decade, Bangladesh has shown the world how revolutionary progress can be achieved through building a Digital...
Reading Time: 3 minutesBy Mojahidul Islam Mobile money services are growing faster than predicted around the globe, as digital services continue to rise in popularity, according...
Reading Time: < 1 minuteUnited Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bangladesh released a mobile application called ‘UNDPBD e-library’ on April 11 to enable instant access to...
Reading Time: 2 minutesZTE Corporation , a global leading provider of information and communication technology solutions and AIS, an industry-leading smart digital network provider in Thailand,...
Reading Time: 3 minutesITU’s upcoming AI for Good Global Summit will include the world’s first press conference featuring humanoid social robots. At this unprecedented media event, nine robots...
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe gaming industry has changed, and it doesn’t need E3 anymore. By Md Mojahidul Islam E3 2023 is cancelled, and the gaming industry is...
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAcer, one of the world’s leading laptop brands, has announced a month-long “ACER Ramadan Offer” for customers on the occasion of Holy...
Reading Time: 2 minutesSpecial honor commends ITU head for leadership and public contributions The world’s largest technical professional organization, IEEE, presented ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin with the...
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHuawei founder Ren Zhengfei (pictured) revealed the company redesigned more than 4,000 circuit boards and replaced more than 13,000 components from across...